Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Profile story redux.

For my Profile story in Journalsim 410 I wrote about the galleries at UNC that put on a show about “Found art”

The most difficult thing about writing the story was writing it. This was my first real feature story.

The easiest part about writing this story was talking to the Art students, They love to explain the meaning and design of their art.

From my research, I found when the found art movement may have started becoming an art form.

I learned about feature stories, nut graphs and how to write the perfect feature lead.

The best thing about my story? I am really fond of my intro and conclusion paragraphs, those are usually the things that kill my writing.

What could I have done better? Taking a picture to help me with describing the artwork. I made some decent observations while in the gallery but none that were good enough to include in my story. If I had those photographs I could've gone back and added appropriate detail to the observations and added them into the story.

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